In today’s digital, fast-paced, information-driven world, content marketing has evolved into a powerful marketing tactic . It is not a new strategy but more and more enterprises are beginning to engage in content marketing gradually.Localization has always aided MNCs in surviving and prospering in countries other than their home country. This is due to cultural differences, as well as differences in customer values and perspectives. Therefore it is almost impossible to use the same standards and strategies in different countries.Customers want to be business owners as well as individuals who feel like they are part of a community. This is referred to as a requirement for “inclusive individuality.” They are looking for feelings of both freedom and interdependence. They want to be recognised as individuals, and they also want to be respected as part of a community. They don’t want to feel like outcasts in their neighborhood. Content marketers may satisfy their need for “inclusive uniqueness” with the aid of digital technology. Marketers have the ability to create customised content that is important to each individual customer.
Consumers, on the other hand, have the ability to personalise their experience and then share it with the groups to which they belong, regardless of geographical location, since the internet connects people all over the world. Content marketers are being pushed to develop new marketing strategies that appeal to both diversity and inclusiveness as a result of changing customer behaviour. Marketers use content marketing on the internet to help personalise content for their customers. Customers visit social media sites constantly to obtain valuable, relevant and up-to-date content such as articles, videos, blog posts and more.Global brands used to implement standardized content to promote brands. However, as time passes, consumers enter the age of inclusive individuality.As a result, marketers must overcome the challenges of global, regional, and personalised marketing. A personalized message helps firms to reach a quality target audience.The increasing emphasis within marketing thinking on the exchange of intangibles has changed the focus from the act of purchase to usage.Customers are more likely to trust businesses that pay attention to their needs and ideas. Co-creation aims to assist organisations in improving customer service and stakeholder relationships. In addition, social media and brand communities provide a forum for businesses to track and evaluate consumer conversations. This method, in which customers express their thoughts and businesses interpret them, exemplifies how advertisers and customers work together to create new ideas and innovations. This technique is used by businesses to enlist the help of outsiders in the creation of new ideas.